“ [Originally] it was called “contortion” back then: contorting a handplant. That period, from 1980 to 1983, was the genesis of the invert, and when you’re around somebody like Neil, who is the best at something, the rest of us are just playing imitation dress-up,” said by the one and only, Jeff Grosso. Nearly four decades have passed since the inception of the Invert. Still, today you will see most pro and ameteur transition skaters with a slew of inverts in their bag of tricks. With so many variations of inverts, it is easy to get lost in the world of going upside down. But only the bravest will dare to do so. The most difficult part about inverts is overcoming and controlling the fear of being completely upside-down and perched on top of a 10 ft tall ramp. Fear aside, inverts are reliable tricks that get the adrenaline pumping and feel like ecstasy when executed perfectly.